Gaining More Clients

The reason for having a profile on Sacred Eros (or any website) is to gain more clients for your practice, the better the profile the more clients. What does it mean to have a successful profile (and how do you create one)? This can be split into 3 main areas:

1. SEO
2. Text
3. Images

How to Create a Successful Profile – SEO Breakdown

It can be tricky to get your head around how SEO works, however in essence having good SEO means that your profile comes up when people search certain things on Google (and other search engines). Given this, we do small amounts of editing to each profile, forming it into something search engines like to show off (in other words, we do our best to handle this bit for you).

If you would like to do your bit we recommend that you include some keywords, relevant to your practice and the kind of clients you want to attract. Google Trends might come in handy for that but there are a number of similar tools available online.

How to Create a Successful Profile – Text Breakdown

If you have your own professional website then your Sacred Eros profile exists to drive potential clients to that website. Key points to follow:

  1. Make your profile between 300 & 600 words,
  2. 200 words to a paragraph (max),
  3. Write a brief about how you can improve clients lives and what they can gain from a session with you, &
  4. Most importantly, make sure your profile points people to your website, e.g. by placing ‘book now’ and other ‘calls to action’. We also help with this in the layout.
  5. Please create a link back to the Sacred Eros home page, or to your Sacred Eros profile. It is beneficial to both our websites SEO strengths.

(You do not need to write about your qualification because they are on your professional website and you want traffic to flow there as soon as possible.)

I Don’t Have A Professional Website Yet

If you DON’T have your own professional website then your Sacred Eros profile exists as a means for clients to contact you. Key points to follow:

  1. Make your profile between 300 & 600 words,
  2. 200 words to a paragraph (max),
  3. Write about how you can improve clients lives and what they can gain from a session with you,
  4. Then write about you and your qualifications or experience, why you do this kind of work, clients like to see something personal so they feel they get to know you a little bit before they contact you. (Do not drag it out & don’t name drop, it doesn’t look as good as you think it does),
  5. Now write about how someone can contact you (either direct email/phone or through the Sacred Eros contact form on your profile).
  6. Include some testimonials if you have them, clients like to read other client’s experiences and opinions.

If you would like help creating your own professional website, we got you:

How to Create a Successful Profile – Images Breakdown

Our Suggestions

Think smiling, friendly faces with eye contact. Full body or half body shot is also helpful. Send several, that way we can choose which fits best on your profile. The higher the image quality the better, selfies on a phone aren’t ideal (if you can make them look professional, then great).

Our Rules

We do (try) not post naked or suggestive pictures. You are advertising your expertise not your body. We may edit or request different photos if we feel they are not inline with the site’s style.

No selfies, no nipples, no naked butts and no crotch shots please.

Now you have the tools to create a successful profile, you can submit it here.

If you want to connect to more practitioners such as yourself here is a FB group dedicated to our community.

The image below has been uploaded to improve the SEO measure of this page… just one of the key aspects to successful SEO.

How to Create a Successful Profile