My Sacred Sexuality and Coaching service welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.
Have you experienced the power of pleasure generated by your own body? Have you experienced pleasure knowing that it is all for you? This is a hands-on offering that is designed to allow you the opportunity to be present in your body and discover where your pleasure resides.
Sacred Sexuality and Coaching | Austin, Texas | Anastasia Allington
Pleasure is medicine for the body and spirit. If you allow for the flow of pleasure in your system you can experience:
- Energy
- Rekindled libido
- Radiance
- Integration of past trauma
- A feeling of wholeness
- A stronger connection to Self
What you can expect.
You can expect a container for our time together that includes a beginning, a middle, and an ending. You can expect that I will do my very best to create an environment for you to have a relaxed central nervous system. It’s easier to surrender to pleasure when you can trust that another is holding space so that you have no pressure to be anywhere or do anything except receive.
Some of the tools we’ll use include meditation, breath work, sensual touch, sound, mirroring, soul gazing, and movement. Conversation, connection, and relaxation are essential to the process of intimacy, so we’ll attune to one another and use our voices to express our desires and what we need in the moment..
My intention is for you to feel tapped into your energy and to feel enlivened. To leave your session carrying that energy into the rest of your day.
What I share with you is work I have experienced in my own life.
What I’ve learned is that there is always more to explore and, guess what? The destination is not the only exciting part – so is the journey!
Please feel welcome to contact me via email at and share a little about yourself and what you’re exploring.
At that time we’ll schedule a phone conversation and delve deeper into your intentions and how we might work best together.
Since there is no singular or right way to enter into your own sexual exploration, a conversation is important. This exploration depends on your willingness to feel into what is right for you. The more willing you are to experience what is moving within you, the more deeply you will be taken into the richest expression of yourself. I may know how to hold the space for you, but you hold the wisdom for your own body. Together we can create a space for you to move towards expansion.
My Sacred Sexuality and Coaching service welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.