My Taoist Tantra massage and counselling service is open to women, men and couples.
Hello, My name is Arorah and I am a Taoist Tantra Practitioner, Sexual Healer, Sexual Health Educator, and Relationship Coach.

I have deeply immersed myself in the teachings of sacred sexual practices, studying and working with many expert teachers from Taoist, Hindu, and Sufi traditions. I have also been committed to my own personal study, reading scores of ancient texts and spending thousands of hours with my own practice. My healing system has culminated in a sensual massage that I believe is wonderfully profound, easily repeatable, and second to none.
Healing Tao Massage Ceremonies for Men and Women
“My whole body rises and falls with such intense waves of pleasure, it was euphoric…
it was stronger and more powerful than anything I have ever experienced…”
“Our first session was the beginning of my relationship with myself…
I began to accept, love, and appreciate myself on that day, by being honored as a Goddess.”
Have you ever wondered if your body has greater potential for sexual ecstasy than you have encountered thus far? Do your sexual experiences feel lacking in some way: a momentary build-up resulting in climax followed by a letdown, sometimes exhaustion or a feeling of emptiness, or even frustration?
Individuals who come to see me experience just the opposite. Rather than exhaustion, they experience vibrant, balanced energy. Instead of feeling empty, they are infused with the joy of life. Colors seem brighter, the heart is lighter as the spirit rests in the ecstasy of its true nature.
If you have longed to explore the ancient art of Tantra with an authentic, skilled practitioner, you have come to the right place. These simple, yet powerful, sessions are a much sought-after chance to undergo the magic and artistry of true Taoist Sexual Alchemy.
My highly beneficial and pleasurable methods revitalize the body while serenely illuminating the spirit. This sacred ceremony allows you to discover your sexual-spiritual potential in a highly sensual, encouraging, and respectful manner.
It would be my honor to celebrate you in this sacred event. I invite you to visit my website and learn more.
How to Make Love Last for Couples
“We continue to do well, thanks to your guidance. We are amazed at the special influence you have had on us. We both will be forever grateful for your contributions to our marriage.”
Are you struggling to connect with your partner or feeling like your relationship could be stronger? My sessions are designed to help you and your partner deepen your intimacy and improve your communication. Together, we can create a lasting foundation for your love. Contact me today to learn how I can help you and your partner create the relationship you deserve.
Please contact me through my Tantra website.
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My Taoist Tantra massage and counselling service is open to women, men and couples.