My Somatic Sexual Wellness service welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.
Rediscover your connection to pleasure, and to feeling again! All of you is welcome. My work (and play) centers around the pursuit of pleasure, and, like all journeys, sometimes on the way, we get stuck in unhealthy patterns, trauma loops, and old stories that no longer serve us. I never poke at those, and we do deal with them and find ways to integrate and alchemize them into your pleasure journey when they show up.
My 1:1 Multi-Day Immersions are designed to place you in a learning container void of outside distractions so you can focus your attention on yourself: through meditation, breath-work, movement, body based exercises, touch, verbal processing, and erotic play. Potential experiences within an immersion vary based on each client’s background and learning goals, however sessions may include explorations in ritual, boundaries and consent practices, sensual touch, sexological bodywork, bathing rituals, rope bondage and BDSM experiences (both physical and psychological), shadow work, parts work, and explorations in fantasy play and kink. My work is about understanding all aspects of your body and learning how to bring the erotic into your daily life as much as your sex life.
Somatic Sexual Wellness | Los Angeles, New York, Denver | Court Vox
I welcome all genders, sexual orientations and relationship dynamics, however I only coach heterosexual men via zoom. All others I work with in person. My work does encompass many types of individuals, however I really enjoy shepherding folks with limited experience and knowledge into new realms of understanding of their physical, spiritual, and erotic bodies.
A little about me
Little known fact, I was the lead singer in a semi pro band called Mirror Talk for 14 years, and prior to that I was the lead singer of a boy band called 4Now. I graduated with a BA in Theater from UCLA, and my learnings in performance have carried over into almost everything I do in life, including this work. It is not the performance itself, but the capacity and ability to work with many personalities, move into new energies and high stake situations with a firm control over my breath, my voice, my body, and essentially my nervous system. It is on the stage that I first discovered trance states, which I am also able to access through erotic play and connection, bodywork, and through the placement of my absolute attention and awareness. I love teaching others how to access this too!
While pursuing a life as a musician I also worked for big corporate companies like Yahoo! and Disney and after 15 years there I felt a higher calling to do what I am doing now. I took two years to study Somatic Sex Education, along with sexological bodywork. In that time I also became a surrogate partner, and have since trained in Tantra, BDSM, and rope bondage, as well as somatic shadow work, social justice, scar tissue remediation, and lymphatic chest massage.
1:1 Private 3-5 Day Immersions
I work in immersion because there is nothing like it. It allows people to really dive into and prioritize themselves in an uninterrupted way that is not available via multiple sessions over multiple days/months.
I offer shorter workshops throughout the year. Please refer to my website.
I offer 2-3 residential retreats per year geared towards GBTQ men. In 2025 I will offer these in Upstate NY, Umbria, Italy, and Joshua Tree, California. I am also a part of the core team at Back to the Body, which offers 10 retreats for women each year. Please see my website for details.
Somatic Sex Education/Sexological Bodywork
While I pull from many modalities, this one has had the most impact in my work. The tenants of this modality are: breath, movement, sound, choice & Voice, and placement of awareness. Unlike many traditional sexological bodyworkers, I do incorporate intimacy as part of my practice if that is something that is a learning goal of my clients. In this modality, I offer one way touch.
Surrogate Partner Therapy
Surrogacy is based on the work of Masters and Johnsons. It leans on a triadic model in which the client works with me for experiential learning and a therapist for talk therapy. The therapist and I work hand in hand to support clients in a myriad of ways, however this modality is best for folks inviting the erotic into their lives after a long hiatus or for the first time. Often clients are dealing with big T trauma that needs additional support from a larger collaborative team. There is more information about this on my website, and I have a list of preferred therapists I refer clients to, and I also work with therapists who are in existing relationship with clients.
Sacred Intimacy
Many of my SI clients are seeking a teacher who can help them become a better lover, sharpen their erotic skills, and enhance their understanding of their erotic body through mutuality and relationship building.
Many of you have seen Fifty Shades of Gray and have become interested in BDSM, and I think for this purpose I am grateful for the books and the film. That said, both are entertaining and lack the nuance and understanding of how connecting, and powerful the bond between players can become through these various practices. Not only do I offer experiences to feel what it is like to be dominated, I teach others how to explore their submission and their dominance and better understand the multiple parts of the acronym. Bondage/Discipline, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism.
Rope Bondage
I tie in a few different ways including: bedroom rope, floor rope, rope for adoration, and rope suspension. I also teach groups and couples how to incorporate rope play into their erotic lives in simple and fun ways. It’s not as complicated as it looks.
Online Guidance & Support
Life Coaching, Relationship & Couples Coaching, Porn Integration & Masturbation Coaching, and other services are also available over Zoom for those of you not able to meet me in person. I work in 3 to 6 month commitments online.
I expect that after our time together you will go out into the world to explore the tools and toys you have learned with me. If you need to come back for a refresher, so be it, but my intention is not to keep you forever, but to give you enough so you can continue to cultivate and create your life on your own. Give me a year and we will change your life, together!
If you have gotten this far, good job! Whether I am the right person for you or not, I truly celebrate your openness and willingness to expand your erotic potential and better understand yourself. I wish you all the best on your journey.
I offer 30 minute exploratory calls for $100. If you book one of my offerings within 30 days of our call, I will put it towards your tuition. I charge for calls so that you show up, and if you don’t…I’m not bitter. Book Here:
I am looking forward to connecting with you and learning more about you.
Big Love,
Court Vox
“Thank you for such a transformative experience. The way you embody your erotic nature and command a space with your calm, nurturing, loving presence is powerful and inspires me to do the same. Looking forward to working with you again in the future.”
“Through our practice I have learned to open to deep, wide, and shifting emotions and sensations. Thank you for the playful and sacred hands-on time together where I always feel you are bringing all of you and feel your invitation to bring all of me. I’m more alive and feel more affirmed in my aliveness because of you. Blessings on you, treasured Court Vox.” -M-
“You have impacted me in so many ways. In reminding me to play, in the possibilities of erotic creativity, in remembering to embrace my childlike wonderment. I am so lucky to know you, to have had the opportunity to work with you, and the world is lucky to have you!” -N-
“I am so grateful to have learned from you, to have felt myself unfurling in your hands, your gaze, your invitation of my tears and my voice, and let’s not forget the shared laughter. With an open heart full of love and respect.”
My Somatic Sexual Wellness service welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.