DeSalus Tantric Bodywork Temple welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.
How do we live within these bodies? How do we inhabit this skin? How awake are we to the lived experience of this flesh? These bodies that feel and express and hold and remember…
Where am I holding pain? Where am I holding a memory? Where have I hidden unexpressed emotion? Where have I shut down? Where have I turned away from myself? Where am I ready to move? To express. To release. To surrender into ease, vitality and peace.

These questions mark the beginning of the journey back to our wholeness, to our authenticity, to our effortless and ecstatic unwinding. To the blossoming of the Truth and Beauty of our being. To the emergence of the Divine within.
Yogic Science teaches that the body is comprised of 5 koshas (sheaths or layers). The Annamaya-kosha or physical body is our first gate to the subtler realities at the core of our being. As we map the subtle movements of energy, emotion, thought and memory through the physical body with awareness and presence in a guided process called Integrative Embodiment, we can learn to use breath, sound and intention to dissolve the patterns and blocks that obstruct the higher intelligences of insight, intuition and discernment and finally resolve into wholeness and inner peace. Ritual Bodywork provides the structure of a ritual container to add touch and physical presence to these practices facilitating a deeper release in a held and sacred space. Drawing from the grace of the Divine Feminine which embraces and accepts all without judgement, Sacred Intimacy underpins all of this work as we open into the healing potential of being held and welcomed in our authentic vulnerable truth.
Virtual Sessions (~75 minutes)
For the majority of clients, our first session will be virtual. This is our opportunity to begin to map the physical, energetic and mental blocks between you and your desired reality as well as practice the foundational breath, sound and movement techniques that will bring you into a deeper connection with yourself and to begin to grow your capacity for presence and awareness. On-going virtual sessions are also available.

In-Person Sessions
For each session, you will be welcomed into the space and with time to land and orient before clarifying the sessions’ intentions and boundaries. You will be guided into a state of grounded receptivity with breath sound and movement and coached through an emergent process of physical, emotional or energetic release moving toward a state of loving presence and open awareness. Hands-on work will follow where appropriate to facilitate deeper releases and / or ground the system into its expanded state. There will be ample time for rest, digestion, sharing and integration before the session closes.
For repeat clients: 90 minutes – 3 hours. For first time clients: 3 hours minimum.
Multi-session journeys are highly encouraged to facilitate a deepening of trust and communication between practitioner and recipient. Packages are tailored to the individual needs and desires covered in the Clarifying Call.
For Bookings and Inquiries please see

DeSalus Tantric Bodywork Temple welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.