My Sacred Sexual Healing service is open to women, couples & poly relationships.
Hello Sensuals.
My name is Jason Strongfeather, the Intimate Healer. I am a Sacred Sexual Healer based in Abington, PA which is 10 minutes north of Philadelphia. I offer weekend intensives and weekly sessions serving clients from NYC down to the DMV.
I believe that women’s pleasure is essential. I will share with you everything I have learned about strengthening feminine energy. I will teach you to explore and communicate your deepest erotic desires.
I will show you how to harness the healing powers of the sacred union between feminine and masculine. I am especially passionate about healing sexual trauma, building self-confidence, unlocking the highest peaks of orgasmic pleasure, and teaching the sacred rituals of tantric sex.
By using traditional methods of sexual healing, a woman combines her spiritual world, her physical world and her internal goddess within, to achieve higher states of sexual enlightenment. I believe that if more women were healed, the world would be a better place. I am on a mission to help transform more and more women into confident, powerful, strong sexual goddesses.
I follow a true sacred intimate path to healing. Never harming or taking advantage of her most vulnerable state of being. I am an altruistic sexual alchemist. A sexual priest. A sensual shaman. I am her sense of security and safety. I am guided by love for humankind, never money or notoriety.
Are you ready to begin your journey toward ultimate bliss and satisfaction?
Email me to request a free consultation
For more information visit my website
Why did I decide to become a sexual healer?
I believe that the work chose me because women in the most need are drawn to me. They find refuge in my sense of safety and support. I decided to take this work seriously after my experience working in Western medical care. I wanted to make a real difference.
For the past eleven years, I worked as a healthcare professional. I became frustrated after witnessing countless women receive medications and incorrect diagnosis of their sexual dysfunctions. This is because I had the knowledge that the body is an intelligent system which knows how to build and destroy itself. Medicine and psychotherapy do not support the essential human need to balance sexual energy. I want sexual healing to be accessible and affordable to all women in need.
What is a sexual healing session like?
With each session you will gradually peel away layers of your eros. I will guide you on an exploration of your own pleasures and learn to attain higher levels of sensuality with an intimate partner. Sexual healing can be achieved through suggestion and self-practice, or it may require the loving touch and attention from an experienced sexual healer. No two paths are the same. You may choose from one or several of the services I provide in order to achieve your intended goal.

What kind of training have I received?
I continuously educate myself with the most up to date training in trauma, sexological bodywork and traditional African and Asian healing. In 2020, I completed the University of Pennsylvania Medicine course Understanding Trauma, Resilience and Trauma-Informed Care. In 2019, I completed a course in Treating Trauma Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy. In 2018 I completed the Trauma Informed Care Practitioner Certification training. This training has served as critical tools in my toolbox when dealing with clients who experience particularly intense post traumatic episodes when under my care.
I also receive training on a continuous basis in traditional Asian healing. I place a high value of integrity in my practice by adhering to my traditions I learned while in East Asia. That is solidified by my Mahayana Buddhist belief that I am a vessel of healing in service to humankind.
Additionally, I attend temple meditation classes taught by highly respected Thai Buddhist monks. I was trained in traditional Thai massage at Bangkok’s oldest massage school, Wat Pho. Under the guidance of an Indian guru located on an island in the Gulf of Thailand, I attained an advanced level of tantra initiation.
List of services I offer:
- Sexual Healing
- Relaxation Therapy
- Yoni Massage
- Orgasm Training
- Sacred Intimacy Training
- Tantric Sex Training
- Body Confidence Coaching
- Sex Coaching
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Platonic touch cuddle therapy
- Pleasure Mapping.
- Surrogate Partner Therapy

Some of the most common conditions I help my clients with:
- Difficulty to orgasm
- Painful intercourse
- Sexual trauma
- Intimacy issues
- Loss of libido
- Low sex drive
- Vaginal dryness
- Lack of sexual experience
- Healing from rape and sexual abuse
- Fear of sex.
For more information visit my website
To request a free consultation email

My Sacred Sexual Healing service is open to women, couples & poly relationships.