My Tantra Expert and Muse service is open to individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.
Tantra Expert and Muse | Boulder & Denver, Colorado | Lua Rose
Welcome! I’m Lua.
I believe spirituality and sexuality are intertwined. I create intimate and blissful experiences for people who desire to experience their fullest potential. I will create a safe space where I will help you to access new levels of depth.
About me:
I love connecting deeply with people and creating a safe and non judgmental space. I am compassionate, playful and open minded. I have a strong intuition and sensitivity, as well as an extended background in Tantra which makes my offerings deeply powerful.
It’s been 10 years since I have been practicing and exploring Tantra, it’s become part of who I am. After getting a Masters degree in Psychology I wanted more, and instead of becoming a psychologist I decided to go live in the jungle of Asia to study Tantra. Initially I started exploring Tantra because of my own blocks and it’s changed my life in the best ways. I’m a certified and trained sex, love and relationship coach, Tantra teacher and breathwork facilitator.
Do you want more?
Even if your sexuality is already great, most people only access a very small percent of their pleasure capacity or less. I believe that when you are able to access the full potential of your pleasure, this will set you up for success in every other part of life. It is a process is which you remember who you are and replenish on the deepest level.
Most of us have certain blocks and limitations when it comes to experiencing pleasure. This can be from past experiences or trauma, shame and conditioning from society and religion. I help you to release and let go of the things that have been holding you back so you can open up to your potential.
Who do I love to offer this work to?
I work with professionals who feel like something is missing but they don’t know what it is. They are driven and interested in living their life to their fullest potential, and that includes intimacy and sexuality. They are ready to open themselves to more than they currently know and are experiencing.
Working with me is a powerful and deep experience. I only work with people who are ready for an up-leveling in their lives. My sessions are for people who desire to open themselves to deep shifts, not just for those who come for a fun experience.
“You channel such divine energy. The best I would describe you is powerful and angelic.” – K.D.
“I still feel the reverberations from our session days after.” -A.P.
“I was introduced to parts of myself that I have lost touch with, it feels like coming home.” -Y.K.
“The best that I can describe is to surrender to my own truth through deep bliss.” – U.M.
“Your touch could only be described as divine. I can tell how much work you have done to become such a master at what you do.” G.K.
“When I would take the time to be grateful for this last year, this experience would be on the top of my list.” – K.M.
“When I would have to describe it, it’s beyond words, an experience that I will remember forever.” – T
“You are so incredibly genuine, authentic and in tune. Feeling you fully show up with me was one of the most beautiful experiences I’ve ever had.” -B.K.
“Your warm, loving presence made me feel incredibly held and I was able to experience things within myself that I did not know I could access.” -V.B.

Hands on sessions
I welcome single sessions as well as people who are ready to dive even deeper in a multi session package.
We take the time to connect before the session starts. I will hold a space where you can let go and relax. Each session is unique and I will attune to your personal experience. Many people experience pleasure they have never experienced before and they connect to a deeper experience of their pleasure, sexuality and whole self.
I will help you activate the dormant energy within and help you release and let go of what has been holding you back, consciously or subconsciously so you can unlock new potential. I will meet you where you are, exactly as you are.
Working with me is not a decision to be made lightly. Session fees range from $900-$2600
Virtual mentorship
I have many clients who experience profound shifts and changes from working with me virtually. I love guiding people through an immersive program during multiple months which is a deep dive into the potential of your sexuality. Through different experiential practices and processes you will be empowered into a whole new level of intimacy and pleasure.
Some common topics I help people with are maximizing pleasure, bringing the spark back in a marriage, releasing performance anxiety, premature ejaculation and porn addiction.

Apply to work with me
Every month I have limited 1:1 sessions.
This is how to apply:
1: Email me at answering the questions below
2: You will receive a longer email back with more information
3: Virtual consultation: if feels like a yes to move forward from both sides we will decide on how to work together either virtually or in person
When emailing me please share:
- Name and location (If you are not in the Colorado area, are you willing to travel?)
- What are you looking to experience?
- Are you looking for a deep shift or just for a fun experience?
Incomplete emails that do not answer these questions will not be answered.
Please note that in order to work with me I require a picture of you ID and something to match your ID (such as a LinkedIn profile)
Please be patient, I receive lots of requests and often it takes some time to respond.
Lua Rose
My Tantra Expert and Muse service is open to individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.