My Tantra and Kink Specialist service welcomes women, men, couples & poly relationships.
I’m Daka Keith.
I’m a Tantric Healer, Sacred Sexuality Guide, and Therapeutic Kink Specialist. I create profoundly healing, sacred, and intimate containers. I believe that the integration of sex and spirit is available to each of us and is one of the most profound transformations a human can experience.
Tantra and Kink Specialist | Colorado, California, Texas | Daka Keith
Are you someone who desires to expand their pleasure, aliveness, and freedom? My greatest joy is to create one-on-one containers with people like you, someone seeking to create the life they most desire.
Tantra and Kink Specialist
Working with me, you will experience radical self-permission to feel, enjoy, and express the full range of pleasure, desire, and intimacy possible. You will experience eroticism and eros free of shame or judgment and develop a new relationship with your sexuality.
I will support you in connecting with your innermost longing, desire, and fullest expression of your eros. My extensive background in coaching will skillfully guide and integrate the in-person work we do into your daily life and relationships.
My ideal client is ready to take radical responsibility for their lives and is willing and able to be led by a deeply present masculine guide into new realms of pleasure, love, self-expression, and confidence.
I work with Women, Men, and Couples; however, my de-armoring & sacred spot massage is limited to women only. I am skilled in working with the victims of trauma and abuse.
I only offer Two In-Person and Three Online sessions per week, so get in touch now to book.
My 1-1 Offerings Include:
- Embodied Radiance Ritual for Women: Releasing Armor, Awakening Pleasure
Do tension, emotional fear, or lack of safety limit your pleasure? Have you discovered your full orgasmic potential? Each of us holds energetic and physical armor built up over time that limits our access to pleasure and intimacy with ourselves and others. Women store a tremendous amount of emotion, pain, and tension in their genitals and pelvic region. My De-armoring and Sacred Spot Massage provide a safe container to explore relaxing, opening, and energizing your structure. Most clients report a renewed sense of freedom, pleasure, sovereignty, and a healthier relationship to the masculine.
- Conscious Kink & Therapeutic Scene Play
What holds you back from your pleasure? What desires have you never been able to surrender to fully? Working together, we will craft scenes that slowly and safely rewire some obstacles blocking you, pushing through the edges of discomfort and finding pleasure in what you’ve been holding onto as shame or fear. Scene Play is an intentional experience or container in which you get to explore pleasure, pain, discomfort, turn-on, arousal, fantasy, or any other experience that we design for therapeutic and healing intentions. Conscious Kink refers to bringing a high level of awareness and intentionality to sexual expression or behavior that deviates from societal norms or expectations, encompassing a wide range of non-traditional desires, practices, and fantasies.
- Polarity Coaching
Are you finding it difficult to attract a partner, or do you find yourself writing off romance? While our modern world has created a healthy balance and more equality between men and women, traditional polarity (think magnetic charge!) has been pushed aside, creating a confusing world of dating and courtship. I can support you in acting and communicating in a way that attracts your ideal partner(s) and helps you step into a sovereign self that is no longer limited to societal expectations.
- White Tantra: Meditation, Breathing, and Self-Awareness Practices
Much of our work together will inspire you to develop a personal practice to embody and magnify the effects of our sessions. My background as a Zen Monk, Meditation, Tantra, Yoga Teacher, and Therapist practice has provided me with hundreds of techniques to guide you in practicing first with me and then on your own. I spent over a decade studying and practicing classical tantra and offer my clients a combination of individual and partner practices. My main area of work focuses on the chakra system, and together, we can use the potency of eros to awaken, purify, and amplify the energies in your various centers, depending on your intentions.

What Can You Expect When Working With Me?
After filling out my intake form, we will have a conversation where we will get to know each other. I’ll ask questions to understand you and your desires and answer any questions you may have about how I work. This initial conversation may feel like a more traditional coaching session, and the intention of this meeting will be for us to both reach an enthusiastic YES to working with each other. I’ll help you refine your intentions and create safety and containment so that you feel more comfortable moving into an in-person session, which we will schedule before parting.
Typically, initial In-Person sessions are 3 hours, and my experience is that most clients benefit from a series of sessions over time. If we decide to work together, we can craft a deeply pleasurable container for your healing and growth. Healing can be enjoyable! I offer follow-up integration sessions (talk-only in-person or virtual) to support your ongoing healing journey.

Ready to Work with Me?
Please email me at or text me at (720) 900-1340 with additional questions or to book your first session.
I’ll send you an intake form and set up a conversation to clarify how I can best serve and support you. I’ll ask for a deposit, and then we’ll schedule our session together.
I look forward to meeting you!
Client Transformation Testimonial
I cannot overstate Keith’s gifts for creating a safe and nurturing container for a transformative tantric experience.
Before starting our in-person session, Keith established a strong and safe container for us. He took his time learning about my comfort, history, preferences, and sensitivities, and oriented the session entirely around my receiving touch and expressing whatever arose, free from judgment. Before we began, he led us through a short ceremony and meditation to connect with our breath and ground ourselves in the space we were about to share.
He started by resting his warm hands on me, creating a line of energy from my pelvis to my crown. As he worked, Keith gently waited for my body to relax and open one touch at a time, intuitively sharing encouragement, breath, pressure, and pauses to hold space for each emotional wave as it passed through me.
Certain griefs emerged, coaxed out by such unrushed, nurturing touch. The catharsis of heartache, and older traumas that I hadn’t realized I was still carrying— so many times when my body felt unsure or overruled— resurfaced in response to his corrective gentleness.
The word “De-armoring” really depicts what this process felt like. Keith is like a masculine doula for emotional unburdening. It felt spiritual, shamanic even. I cried more than I expected— relief and grief (and pleasure) in waves. I can’t recall a time when my body’s natural pace and vulnerability ever felt so honored.
Healing is complicated. I find it hard to do alone. This experience felt sacred and left me opened, with a lot to integrate. This is where my willingness to do my own work comes in. I sought to re-access and reclaim those deeply vulnerable parts of myself. Now that Keith has helped them resurface, I am trying to embody the tenderness and compassion he showed and reposition myself as their nurturer.
I am deeply grateful to have followed my intuition in seeking out this profound encounter. Thank you, Keith, for meeting my vulnerability with steadiness, and for sharing your healing gifts and presence. ~ Anna, Colorado 
My Tantra and Kink Specialist service welcomes women, men, couples & poly relationships.