Bellow we have listed Red Flag Clients. Individuals who have been known to use underhand methods to try and get what is not on offer. Although we have listed their contact information here, they could very well use different contact details to reach out.

Please inform us if you expereince these individuals or other Red Flag Clients so that we can update the list:

You can also use apps such as Mr Number to see if phone numbers have been flagged in any way.
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Name: –
Complaint: Sending false information and wasting time.

Name: –
Complaint: Sending unsolicited inappropriate photos.

Name: –
Number: 540-218-3234
Complaint: Mastubrated and ejaculated while on a phone call, then imediatley hung up.

Name: Lane
Numbers: 773-322-7361, 262-542-5340
Complaint: Pushing boundaries and aiming to get what is not on offer. Time waster.

Name: Bruce Pelano
Complaint: During the intake call he lowered his camera and was masturbating. Be aware he filled in the practitioners intake form with no red flags, had already been on the call for 20 minutes and presented as a good potential client.

Name: Megan Elizabeth Stoner
Sometimes goes by Abbi or Elizabeth.
Complaint: Skipped payment on multiple practitioners. She has been indicted on (at least) 9 counts of fraud. She also threatens to take legal action against practitioners. Well known scammer. Released from prison in November 2024.
Red Flag Clients | Undesirable Clients | Sacred Eros

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