Tomatoes for the Broken-Hearted

Tomatoes for the Broken-Hearted How to heal after a break up by Tallulah @tallulahillos.e Tomatoes for the Broken-Hearted is a ...
sacred intimate

Why work with a Sacred Intimate?

Why work with a Sacred Intimate? We all encounter at one point blocks that holds us back from living our ...
tantra london

The First Step to Sexual Enlightenment: Conscious Breathing

Breath is the essence of life. From our first moments fresh from the womb until the last sigh of death ...

Welcome to Sacred Eros

Welcome to Sacred Eros Who we are, what we do and why we do it. Who we are Welcome to ...

How is Sacred Eros Different from Escorting Websites?

What is Sacred Eros and how is How is Sacred Eros Different from Escorting Websites? by Joshua Sacred Eros is ...

Touch Trauma – Nathan’s Story

Touch Trauma - Nathan's Story by Tracy Lee Nathan is a client who came to me to fill the void ...

Sexual Trauma and PTSD

Sexual Trauma and PTSD keep painful memories from our past alive and present in our day to day lives. Hypnotherapy uses ...

Re-claiming Your Heart’s Safe Place

A client said to me today, "I want to continue on this path of creating more erotic pleasure.  What would ...

Millennials and Intimacy: What’s Not Adding Up?

For the past few years, publications like Mic, The Atlantic, and even TIME have pointed out that millennials have been ...

Reactive vs Responsive Desire

Reactive vs Responsive Desire by Tracy Lee Reactive vs Responsive Desire in Intimacy, a story of Paul and Mary.  I ...

Women, Sex, and Evolution

Women, Sex, and Evolution It’s said that the feminine is rising.  While having developed their ‘masculine’ capacities over the past ...

The Artforms of BDSM & Boundassage

The Artforms of BDSM and Boundassage: Heightening Intensity and Pushing Boundaries Do you enjoy senso-sexual intimacy and exploration? Want to ...

What is Sacred Sexuality?

Where did it come from and what can it teach me about awareness and presence?  Is there something different about sex when we see it as sacred?

What does sacred mean? What are some tips for more intimacy and connection with my partner?

All this and much more in these articles on Tantra, sacred sexuality, intimacy and love.

For example:

As a sex and intimacy coach, my most important job is to give people permission to have more fun. I’m a pleasure activist. My mantras are “Choose fun. Do it for you. Have it your way. Say yes to desires—and express them!” I encourage women to flirt, turn themselves on, and brag. I help men trade in their intellectual minds and preoccupation with “doing” for timeless moments enjoying and feeling in their bodies. I see a softness wash over the faces of my clients, liveliness and hope returns, and the hidden girl or boy comes out to play. I’ve seen it and I love watching it happen.

I like to imagine a world serious about pleasure. You greet a friend excitedly: “Want to hear about the greatest orgasm I had last night?” Or, “The funniest thing happened when I was self-pleasuring in the laundry room this morning.” Or, teasingly, “Did I ever tell you about my imaginary lover?” We’re all ears. We’re kids at heart. When did we stop playing? When can we start again?

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