BLISS-touch (tantric touch) – what is it?
The usual translation of the word tantra is “liberation through expansion.” How can we apply that to the connection through touch? Most people are very kinesthetic and they “meet and greet” the world and its beauty through the channel of touching. If you remember the girl Amelie from same name movie, she deeply enjoyed “feeling “ everything she was passing by, creating for herself incredible sensations of wonder and delight by touching produce, fruit, vegetables, grains, fabrics and learning about their songs through touch.
I do believe the main channel of most people is the kinesthetic one, that’s why touching is so vital. Also there is an incredible therapeutic effect in being touched. That’s why we feel down and cranky when we are alone for the longest time and don’t even get hugged.
Hugging is essential and very healing. But it has to feel right. Sometimes people touch others with not very good intentions, and that touch does not feel good, nor does it fill up.
The best way to touch is to touch for rapture, for pleasure, for the deep and wondrous journey of sensations. When you do so it feels zesty, radiantly fulfilling, energetic, luminous and just wonderful. So, your question is how does one touch to experience such deep bliss, profound peace and pleasure, right?
Well, first, you need to desire it.