Yoni Sunning

By Dr. Corynna Clarke


I just tried a practice called Yoni Sunning it was breathtakingly healing for Me!!

I felt a brand new increase in energy while also expanding the sensual pleasure throughout My entire body. I highly recommend enjoying this self care practice and deciding whether to include it in Your Own routine! Create a safe space for this Sacred Ceremony; ppen your heart, mind and spread Your legs!!

Don’t worry if Your are a Man, You can practice Lingam Sunning too.

One of my favorite ways to connect with Her power is through the ancient art of Yoni Sunning. This practice awakens dormant energy as well as shining light into any darkness.

Simply spread Your legs and invite Her to drink in the power of the sunshine for health, abundance, fertility and Goddess empowerment.  It also stimulates and expand your potential for pleasure.

There are actual scientific benefits, it relaxes nerves, increases oxygen reaching blood cells, regulates hormones, benefits thyroid function, provides vitamin D3 and even increases muscle tone.

The act of being nude in itself is very healing! In colder climates or temperatures this done in front of a clear glass window with the heat on.

I like to have the soles of My feet on the Earth or floor, with knees open wide, imagining I could breathe in through My labia.

This is also the perfect opportunity to experience full body orgasm! Rocking My hips while I contract My yoni and pelvic muscles on the in breath, relaxing completely when I exhale. Speeding up can bring up and clear emotions as well as invoke a full body orgasm!

Our sun is the direct portal to Infinite Intelligence. Our Sun offers limitless healing potentials. It is time to understand and start utilizing the Power and Wisdom behind the Sun! Using this Power to Support Our minds, bodies, hearts, souls and gennies help Us to live a more Empowered daily life

Dr. Corynna Clarke

– Intuitive Destiny Guide – Alignment Catalyst – Quantum Tantra Creator – Vid Vaxx Vindication  –

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