My Sex Confidence Coach service welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.
Are you willing to stay stuck even though you now know there is more to experience? Are you willing to have just ok sex? To be unhappy or miserable with ED and prostate problems?
Or are you someone who is willing to invest in yourself and your happiness, health and an extraordinary life?
Sex Confidence Coach | NC, GA, TN | Amber St. Germain
Greetings Dear One! I am Amber St. Germain, your underworld guide to liberation, healing and personal growth. It’s no accident you stumbled upon me today and are reading these words. I am inviting you to the journey of a lifetime, an invitation that only comes once in a lifetime. Pay attention because you are receiving a special opportunity to uplevel your sexuality, relationships and life in a way few ever have the chance to do!
What is genuine confidence and happiness worth? What is virility, vitality + health for the rest of your life worth to you? What is a happy satisfied multi-orgasmic partner worth? What is bringing out your true potential and greatness worth?
These things are possible for you. I have experienced them myself and seen them achieved by many I have worked with. That is why I am able to share the goals and details of this journey with you.
With sufficient commitment and investment, I can help you have your greatest adventure yet: spiritual awakening and actualizing your potential for sexual self mastery and joy.
None of us is meant to journey through change alone. We need others who have what we want to show us the way. To actualize our sexual spiritual self we need a spiritual sexual guru. I will help you activate your own inner guru, the part of you that holds the information and wisdom you need now.
Upon completion of your 12 Week Sexual Mastery Course we can get together for a VIP day or weekend to celebrate with a graduation dinner and mutual tantra experience. You will then have the knowledge and experience to recreate peak experiences for yourself and your partner for the rest of your life.
This is a rare opportunity and call to adventure with a unique blend of Tantra, Coaching and Psychology that I have been cultivating and refining for decades. Most people don’t even know what is possible in the sexual realm in regard to orgasmic capacity and spiritual peak experiences. Nor do they know what is possible in regard to relationships, joy + happiness or in the realm of sexual health including vitality, virility and even age reversing. Most people have no idea what they are missing out on by remaining in ordinary mainstream consciousness and having ordinary sexual experiences. Most people settle for way less than what is possible rather than invest a few months’ time and a few thousand dollars for vitality, virility and peak experiences for the rest of their lives.
I am here to walk beside you and to hold your hand on this journey. I’m so excited for your breakthroughs and the happiness, joy and truly extraordinary experiences and life waiting for you on the other side! Sincerely, Amber St. Germain
Become a sexual master who can bring healing, joy and happiness to others!
Book Now!
Check out some of my many client testimonials on my website and below:
“What I realized working with Amber is that my issues were not just about sex. They were about insecurity and confidence and working on this has led me on an incredible journey of personal growth and self actualization in every area of my life. My life is so much more exciting and adventurous now than I could have even imagined before. In the process I found my life purpose and myself.
I am also happy to report that I now have a full, rich and deep sex life that is an important part of my spiritual path and personal growth. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t decided to commit to this journey and I don’t want to. It’s sad to think of all the men out there who use porn as a replacement for a real sexual spiritual relationship.
If you’re on the fence about working with Amber and investing in this area of your life I can tell you without reservation it’s worth it 100 times over and as long as you are willing to take responsibility and do your part you won’t be disappointed in the results.”

My Sex Confidence Coach service welcomes individuals of all genders and orientations, couples & poly relationships.