The Sexual Priestess is an ancient archetype that is returning to our consciousness to be reactivated. The Sexual Priestess nourishes the cycles of orgasmic energy and inner rhythms and cycles of herself, her community and all of creation. In stepping into this archetype, we step into the wholeness of our power and repair our fragmented connection with Mother Earth and the fragmented connection between our sexuality and our spirituality.
Through pleasure, love, ritual and Earth based wisdom and reverence the Sexual Priestess holds the wisdom of oneness with all of creation. This is my current list of tenets of the Sexual Priestess. I’d love to hear yours!
Sexual Priestess Tenets
The sexual priestess…
~ Is one with nature.
~ Honors and celebrates all of nature’s cycles and all of the cycles and phases of womanhood.
~ Maximizes these natural cycles to direct energy with intent for personal transformation, perfect health, abundance and manifestation of her desires adhering to the principles of right relationship.
~ Nourishes her sexuality and sensuality with the governing principles that her body is her own to share and celebrate as she desires and that all acts of love and pleasure are her rituals.
~ Celebrates and honors her body and the bodies of others and connects and shares from a place of generosity, fullness and love.
~ Practices self-inquiry.
~ Knows and honors that her sexuality is hers and is also an extension of the Earth’s macrocosm of sexual life force energy.
~ Serves as a conduit of an essential sacred energy that exists within nature and is a translator of this wisdom.
~ Sexual priestess is an embodiment of the Goddess and bringer of sexual joy by which animal instincts are transformed into the art and practice love and love-making.
~ Reinstates sexuality in its right relationship as our birthright and the original blessing of our holy bodies.
~ Seeks to support and empower other women in accessing their sexual sensual life force for pleasure, creativity and health.
~ She brings her soul gifts to service her community.
I’d love to hear what the your tenets are for the archetype of the Sexual Priestess within you!