Yoni Massage 101

Sssshhhh… I want to share with you something very secret and very sacred. Something most people would never dream about ...

Positively Kinky: Explore Kink to Strengthen Intimacy and Connection

Wikipedia defines Kink as “unconventional sexual practices.” We have all fantasized or secretly desired what may be considered unconventional. It’s ...

Prostate Play 101

Prostate Play 101 by Kiki Connects This article is for penis owners who are curious about experiencing the benefits to ...

How to Choose a Practitioner

How to Choose a Practitioner and how to prepare for your appointment. How to choose the right practitioner for you ...
statues kissing

The Sexual Priestess Tenets

The Sexual Priestess is an ancient archetype that is returning to our consciousness to be reactivated. The Sexual Priestess nourishes ...

What About Your Sexual Intelligence Quotient?

We all know about IQ, emotional intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, and so forth. But what do we know about sexual intelligence? ...

Sexual Trauma and PTSD

Sexual Trauma and PTSD keep painful memories from our past alive and present in our day to day lives. Hypnotherapy uses ...

Female Archetypes and ‘the Girl in the Cave’

“ Once upon a time there was all but oneness: All was God and God was All, no separation, only ...

Sacred Touch – The Magical Art of Laying on Hands

Touch in our modern culture is a very touchy subject.   There are right ways and there are wrong ways.  There ...
tantra copenhagen

Giving an Ecstatic Yoni Healing Massage Session

This is a comprehensive compilation of much research and study on women’s sexual response. It incorporates information from Charles and ...
ecstatic pleasure

5 Steps to Unlock Ecstatic Pleasure

5 Easy Steps to Begin Unlocking Sexually Ecstatic Pleasure 1.  CREATE A SAFE SPACE. Most of us underestimate the importance of actually ...

Touch Trauma – Nathan’s Story

Touch Trauma - Nathan's Story by Tracy Lee Nathan is a client who came to me to fill the void ...

What is Sacred Sexuality?

Where did it come from and what can it teach me about awareness and presence?  Is there something different about sex when we see it as sacred?

What does sacred mean? What are some tips for more intimacy and connection with my partner?

All this and much more in these articles on Tantra, sacred sexuality, intimacy and love.

For example:

As a sex and intimacy coach, my most important job is to give people permission to have more fun. I’m a pleasure activist. My mantras are “Choose fun. Do it for you. Have it your way. Say yes to desires—and express them!” I encourage women to flirt, turn themselves on, and brag. I help men trade in their intellectual minds and preoccupation with “doing” for timeless moments enjoying and feeling in their bodies. I see a softness wash over the faces of my clients, liveliness and hope returns, and the hidden girl or boy comes out to play. I’ve seen it and I love watching it happen.

I like to imagine a world serious about pleasure. You greet a friend excitedly: “Want to hear about the greatest orgasm I had last night?” Or, “The funniest thing happened when I was self-pleasuring in the laundry room this morning.” Or, teasingly, “Did I ever tell you about my imaginary lover?” We’re all ears. We’re kids at heart. When did we stop playing? When can we start again?

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